I figured I figured you've been wondering why I became so distant Why I've kept quiet Stopped sharing my thoughts with you Or major events in my life And well, here's how it is I spent years trying to figure you out Seeking your approval Craving your acceptance Hoping one day I'd feel like we're one That we could be friends, maybe forever So I went away, and hoped you'd still think about me Remember me Poke me occasionally Maybe leave a cute comment every once in a while Well, I never got that Not even a lousy text But that taught me something It taught me to have thick skin Now your scars have healed The knife I had to pull out my back left a wound that I thought would never heal, but it did It taught me to enjoy life alone I'm able to share my thoughts with the person that matters the most. Myself I've learnt to seek and find validation within myself It taught me how to feel Sure, I missed you initially, but now I've learnt that we tend to miss the noise of a mosquito when we don't enjoy the silence It's hard to have honey without thinking of the bee. But that's just it I no longer had to dodge the bee to reach sweet heights I had made it to the top And I thought it would be lonely up here But I have me. The best person I could ever want to enjoy this with And above all that, I have people that were told the same thing That the top is lonely Well, it isn't Because we have each other