"You don't need to spend endless hours, months and years in order to love someone. All that is needed is a moment. A moment were time does not matter. A moment that will separate then and now, before and after. All that is needed to find pure love, is that one moment that will give you the idea of forever."
A moment... perhaps that was when you became more than just a friend, or the time things between us came to an end.
Regardless, I feel like I found that with you.
Before you came along, I had a different perspective towards life, and had absolutely no clue what love was.
So here comes this guy and changes everything.
Instead of being typical, he tells me the brutal truth when I need to hear it, makes me believe in myself, and gives me advice like he knows my future.
Basically, even knows me better than I know myself.
And despite the fact that he was my shortest relationship, my heart somehow believes that he was the only real one, and probably always will be.
And I learn again that time doesn't matter.
To show that life is no fairy tale, each time I talk to him about love he makes it clearer that I'm not his true love.
Penny drops.
The moment where my life changed only changed my life, not his.
Maybe our worlds are too different, or maybe he just doesn't see it like I do.
But how do I explain the standard he set for me?
Why do I measure each guy I date against him, and leave em of they don't match up?
I think it's because he's the best thing I never really had... and if love is calculated deceit, then I'll always be blinded by yours.
Takes a lot for me to admit, which is why I will never say this to you, but at the same time, I may never find peace or rest unless I know that you know.
Let's cut the cliche and say what we really feel.
You're the only one that could seal the deal, or ever stood a chance.
When I'm with you, I feel so free and yet so shy.
Like I'm under pressure to impress, even though you probably know everything about me already.
And then my friends... they've always seen it and I'll keep denying it, maybe because I can't handle it. I let go of everyone else, but keep a hold onto you.
And each time I try to push you away; you somehow get past the wall I try to build even before I'm done with it.
Here's one person I've meant everything I said to.
Funny though because even after all this, I have to face the fact that it might never be.
So I keep searching for another you.
You know, so I can get that feeling when I see them, but so far, no luck.
I know I'm just fooling myself because there's only one you.
And if I can't have that then I'll die looking for another you.
It's funny how my heart refused to listen to my head this time.
When everyone tried to turn me against you, all it wanted was to be with you.
I know I shouldn't dwell on the past, but that's the only time when my heart was truly happy. But hey, time flies and people move on so I have to be strong.
I'll walk with my head held high to hide what I feel.
I'll keep my composure and my heart on a leash, just so I know I'll always have you around.
If you're not a lover, then you sure are my best friend