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A version of myself

A few weeks ago,  I was in a place that had so much of me in it. I walked past the spot where I had many firsts, and it got me thinking. I felt at home, yet that same home felt so unfamiliar.

Walking through this places flooded me with so many memories. Things I didn't expect to remember were as clear as day. I saw who I was, and that helped me note that even though I have grown, I am still that little girl I've always seen myself as. So much has changed, yet everything has actually stayed the same.

I note the little changes.

I react to my emotions differently, but I still experience the same emotions I did back then. Maybe just a bit more intense now, but that's a story for another day.

I was fascinated by the vivid clarity that these memories came with. I wondered if I'd ever forget. It was so easy to go back to a place in my mind that I hadn't visited in so many years, yet my brain did it so effortlessly. I also wonder if we ever really change, or lose ourselves, or if our minds are designed to catch us and bring us back to earth when we start floating into the unknown sky.

It's these little things. Things that make me wonder. Each time I look back, I see things I don't regret letting go of. I know that at the time letting go hurt me, but I always grew from it. Sometimes I only grew after facing the same challenge multiple times. Each time I grow, I notice that everything stays the same. It's my perception of it all that changes.

So, today I challenge you to let go of your old and new self, and just be your true self. Be a version of yourself that future you would be proud of, and old you would look up to. Be effortless. Let go of it all. Love freely and live boldly.

Happy living, adventurous living!

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