You need to understand love to understand pain.
There's a certain pain that comes with knowing that you can never be allowed to love someone again.
There's a different pain that comes with knowing that you'll never be able to see someone you love again.
These are different pains, and I want to say that they hurt differently.
Death comes with a certain consolation.
It's knowing that the person is no longer with you, but their love for you will live forever.
It's keeping them in your heart, and holding on to their love, with the hope of being reunited with them one day.
Then you'll be with them for eternity.
Loving someone you're not allowed to love anymore is like a death reoccurring on a daily basis.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but somehow you're expected to love them less.
It's a daily death; knowing that they easily replaced you.
That their love hole is being filled by someone else, while the hole in your chest seems to grow bigger the more you try to fill it.
Like no other love will ever be enough
These are different kinds of love and they lead to different types of pain.
I can hope to see you again; or I can see you and die everyday